Breast Cancer Awareness & You: When was the last time...
When you think about tracking your cycle, visiting the gynocologist, or getting a mamogram, what is your reaction? For many women, it's not a good one. Some of us moan, groan, and say lament how much easier men must have it. Or, worse, we can't recall our last visit to the Gyno. Eek!
Why is it that our body’s most vital systems are often something that we neglect or view as a nuisance? I admit I am even more passionate about this as I grow older. Earlier this year I lost a good friend from secondary cancer after she survived breast cancer when she was diagnosed back in early 2020. Nicole, like my younger aunt, Sherene, were both diagnosed with breast cancer in their mid-30s. So, I know that attention to our internal systems need to become a matter of routine, but it does not have to be scary.
To wrap up Breast Cancer Awareness month this October, we wanted to shed light on a self care ritual that, in some cases, can be life saving. Breast awareness is not synonymous with self breast exams, which were popularized and eventually deemed unhelpful as they seemed to increase fear in women. Statistically, Black women in the UK do not have higher rates of breast cancer than other races. However, disparities do come to light in terms of awareness, screening, stage of diagnosis, course of treatment, and survival rates.
Suffice it to say: it helps to know your body before seeking medical attention.
So what does breast awareness look like?
1. Look at your breasts once a month in the mirror. Overtime, you should be able to recognize any significant changes that might require professional intervention.
2. Check your breasts, ideally at the same time each month. The optimal window is 3-5 days after the first day of your period.
Below, we’ve attached a graphic from Every Day Health to help you get an understanding of how to check your breasts and what exactly you are looking for.
The thought of cultivating awareness, in any realm of your life such as health, career, or relationships, can be daunting. Still, would you have it any other way? We think you should take pride in everything that is YOU by caring and striving for your personal best.
Breast awareness does not have to feel like a mundane obligation. You can integrate it into your monthly routine by taking the time to stand in front of the mirror, truly taking yourself in, and appreciating your body for the magnificent organism it is. To make it a truly healing experience, you can incorporate any one of BB Natural's body velvet creams or oat lotions to prep and nourish your skin before comfortably checking your breasts.
Oftentimes, our daily lives cause us to neglect our pysical body. No matter if you choose our Body Velvet Supreme Moisturiser, Oat Rich Aloe Silk Lotion, or Cocoa Sugar Body Polish Scrub, be sure to take your time and enjoy the experience of cultivating optimal physical health.Taking a moment after your shower to moisturise your skin can return you to consciousness, serving as a reminder that it is a gift to be in your skin, not to be taken for granted. As we grow older, we need to remember that more than ever.
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