Happy Earth Day and Zero Waste Shopping
@bbnaturalsuk Happy Earth 🌎 Day! Shop with me at my local #zerowastestore The Clean Kilo, here in #bournvillevillage #veganbodyproducts #thecleankilo . Do you have a zero waste store near you? #towardszerofoodwaste #plasticfreestore #bbnaturalsuk #crueltyfreebusiness #madeinuk🇬🇧 #sustainableblackgirl #vegansoapbar #familyproducts #reducewaste♻️ #earthday2022🌱🌍 #sustainableingredients #bournvillelove ♬ I Just Wanna Know - Luke Reeves Come shopping with me at my local zero waste store, The Clean Kilo! What is a zero waste store?
It's a store aimed at reducing the amount of plastic packaging normally associated with buying everyday goods like food, deodorant, cleaning supplies and more. How do they work?
These stores allow you to purchase in renewable packaging such as paper, glass or metal containers. They rely heavily on dispersing a little as 100g of product into containers shoppers bring from home. You weigh out the amount of products for purchase on their scales and voila! You can also bring clean plastic containers for refill of dried and liquid goods. So, when you finish a bottle of BB Natural's Moisture Silk Shampoo or Oat Rich Lotion, rinse them out and fill them up with liquid hand wash or kitchen cleaner from a zero waste store! This way you can extend the life cycle of any plastic packaging you already have. Can I purchase my everyday items from these zero waste stores?
Yes! You can get bulk ingredients like cereals, fresh fruit and veg, spices, freshly baked bread, personal care items like lotions, soap (including those made by us!), deodorant, beard balm, menstrual care, frozen goods, household cleaning supplies and more! But how accessible and affordable are these stores?
For the last five years zero waste shops have been popping up all over the UK, US and other countries. For now they are most in city and city-adjacent locations, but not exclusively. Some may be even closer than your nearest Tesco or Sainsbury's, which is the case for me. Many, like The Clean Kilo, try to be price conscious and a very competitive with larger supermarkets. They have to be in order to encourage more people make plastic-free or reduced-plastic shopping an everyday reality. Will Zero Waste Shopping Make a Difference in Environment Impact?
Whilst it is true that large manufacturing companies are responsible for the bulk of environmental pollutants, including plastics, consumer shopping at zero waste stores is an important example for corporations to see. Our shopping habits often become indicators for large corporations to follow, inspiring the change manufacturing processes, ingredients and packaging. Imagine if large retailers like Asda or Sainsbury's demanded more sustainable packaging from manufacturers in order to stock their goods? Or one of these supermarkets opened zero waste or refill store stores to test the waters. I always ask myself, what do we have to lose if we don't try something--no matter how small the individual impact? In this case, it's our future, our health and the existence of future generations.
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